
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Science unbelivable Facts....Part-3

 #1...The Eiffel tower is painted in three different colours! Bcoz of the effects of light and background, three shades are needed to make it appear to be one colour..

#2...A hurricane north of the equator spins anti-clockwise, while a hurricane south of the equator will spin clockwise..

#3...Every rainbow is unique: each rainbow is formed from light hitting your eye at a very precise angle. Someone standing next to you will see light coming from a slightly different angle than therefore see a diff rainbow..

#4...Even if it is not taken out of its packaging, a disposable battery will lose up to 25 percent of its battery in a year....so see the manufacturing date of battery b4 buying it

#5...There are more than 150 gaint craters around the world, left by fallen meteorites. The largest one is in Arizona, USA - it measures more than 1,200 meters(4,000 feet) in diameter and was created around 50,000 years ago.

#6...In the middle of the Atlantic, the two plates - the African plate and the American plate - are moving apart at about the same speed as your fingernails grow..

#7...Salt and vinegar is aan explosive combination! There is a spectacular chemical reaction when the two are mixed in large quantities. Don't try it yourself,though...

#8...Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci was a very busy man - as well as being a painter and inventor, he was an engineer, anatomist, scientist, sculptor, mathematician and writer!

#9...There are a million bacteria in a millilitre of fresh water.

#10...The moon used to be much closer to our planet than it is now! A billion years ago, it would take only 20 days to go around the earth, compared to the 27days it takes now. It's still moving away by about 4 centimeters(1.5 inches) a year.

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